Autosomal Epilepsy Syndrome with Auditory Features


A rare type of epilepsy that occurs in families is known as autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory characteristics (ADPEAF). This condition results in seizures that are typically accompanied by auditory symptoms associated to sound, such as humming, buzzing, or ringing. During a seizure, some people hear more intricate sounds, such as particular voices or music, or variations in sound loudness. Some ADPEAF patients suddenly lose the ability to comprehend words before passing out during a seizure. An uncommon, genetic, familial partial epilepsy disorder that manifests in two or more family members and is characterised by focal seizures along with noticeable ictal auditory symptoms and receptive aphasia. The lateral temporal lobe, a region of the brain, is thought to be where seizures start. Seizure activity may expand from the lateral temporal lobe in some individuals.