Current Possibilities of Treatment in Pelvic-Perineal Floor Dysfunctions


: The study was performed between July 2007 and July 2013, in the second surgical Clinic St.Spiridon Hospital Iasi, on 138 cases with different pelvic floor dysfunctions. Different procedures were practiced, isolated or associated, on the patients in the lot, depending on symptoms, the prolapse type and degree, age, local anatomical situation and the existence or absence of sexual life. Thus they were performed: strip urethrocystopexy or “hammock” device, with four arms transobturator - 68 cases; The sacrosciatic posterior colposuspension or the anal levator floor restoration–29 cases; abdominal colpopexy in 41 cases, 18 of which with hysterectomy or resection of residual cervix. In 5 cases a polypropylene mesh implant has been associated with this procedure at anal levator level; and in 11 cases the doctors used a suburethral transobturator vaginal strip for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The abdominal approach allows the correct path of skeletonization of the internal genitalia and also of the vagina which is turned inside-out like a glove finger, avoiding damage on the ureters and bladder. The vaginal vault is secured to the promontory with a polypropylene device and it ensures the results maintain in time